• Wellness
22 May 2023

The Power Of An Effective Morning Routine

Are you tired of hitting snooze every morning and feeling unproductive? Do you want to start your day feeling energized and ready to conquer your goals? Look no further than the power of an effective morning routine! Highly successful individuals know that starting the day off on the right foot is key to achieving greatness. Say goodbye to grogginess and hello to productivity with these simple steps!

It’s already morning, again!

Waking up in the morning can be a daunting task, particularly for those who aren’t morning people and are inclined to turn away from the signs of sunrise and find comfort further under their warm sheets. The sound of the alarm clock only adding to the anxiety as the reality that your sweet slumber must come to an end sink in, which is why it’s all too easy to hit snooze and go back to sleep. However, establishing an effective morning routine can make all the difference. By incorporating healthy habits and setting a consistent schedule, it’s possible to transform mornings from a dreaded experience to a productive and energizing start to the day.

Early mornings and what culture requires of us

It is said that ‘the earliest bird catches the worm’ but this depends on the field you’re playing in. Often, we find ourselves listening and aspiring to ape what many motivational speakers and authors term as “Highly effective habits for successful people.” But are we all in the same boat, are we all sailing to the same destination and are we all meant to get there at the same time?

We are raised in a society that has no idea of what a good morning routine should look like; we sleep and wake up based on work patterns, failing to draw lines based on health and practicability and this has led many people to having defects associated to lack of adequate sleep. We may be inclined to believe that these side effects are minimal and may not alter our lives too greatly, however they can be as debilitating as heart attacks, strokes or even weight gain or memory loss.


For a healthy morning routine, the amount of sleep one gets is mostly determined by the assigned bedtime and this matters a lot. Sleep does more than just re-energize our bodies, it keeps our minds sharp and that is what a routine relies on – A sharp enough mind to attach action to a desired goal or intended gratification.

A routine to change our lives

We can learn a lot about setting great morning routines by looking at the morning routines of highly successful people.

There’s really no commandment that is cast in stone for a morning routine. Majority of the listed examples seem to gravitate towards exercise, prayer, meditation, and planning their day as the key agendas items in their routine. With the above presenting a view into the lives of working mothers, the activities included also have an inclination towards ensuring their household is well prepared for the day.

So, what works?

The ultimate reason why we need a morning routine, is the perception of control it gives us. A routine keeps you in check and once it’s fully ingrained into your brain, your body gets to operate almost on a default setting. Once you’ve practiced a routine for a period of time, you notice a key change – your body becomes in sync with its own internal clock. Have you at times woken up before your alarm rings only to find that you’re seconds to the set time? The control a morning routine provides, gives you the confidence, peace and right attitude to operate without feeling overwhelmed with the myriad of things that a day may hold. 
So, here’s our recommended 5-Step morning routine for a highly effective day.

  1. Wake up at a reasonable time
    Everyone has different schedules and routines, so find a time that allows you to get ready for the day without feeling rushed or pressured. This will help you complete your morning tasks at a comfortable pace. Getting to bed at a reasonable time will make or break your ability to wake up at your preferred time. Waking up at a consistent time every morning, will help your body establish a healthy sleep pattern and make it easier to wake up each day.

  2. Do some light exercise or stretching
    Take a few minutes to do some yoga, go for a short walk, or do some easy stretches. Yoga is a great option as it helps to improve flexibility, posture, and balance, and it can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. Going for a short walk is also a good option as it allows you to get some fresh air and sunlight, which can help regulate your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. It is important to move your body first thing in the morning, as it helps to increase blood flow and oxygen to your brain, which can help you feel more alert and focused. This is especially beneficial for those who may feel groggy or lethargic upon waking up.
  3. Spend a few minutes meditating or practicing mindfulness
    Spend a few minutes meditating or practicing mindfulness first thing in the morning can help you centre yourself and set a positive tone for the day. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve concentration and focus, and increase overall feelings of well-being. By taking the time to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment, you can start your day with a clear and calm mindset, which can help you handle any challenges that come your way.
  4. Plan out your day
    Set intentions for what you want to accomplish and start your workday with a positive attitude. Planning out your day and setting intentions for what you want to accomplish first thing in the morning can help you be more productive throughout the day. By having a clear idea of what you need to accomplish, you can focus your energy and attention on the most important tasks and avoid getting sidetracked by less important ones. This can help you achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively. Additionally, having a plan can help reduce stress and anxiety, as you have a roadmap for what needs to be done and can feel more in control of your day.
  5. Have a healthy breakfast
    Having a healthy breakfast each morning can provide important fuel for the day ahead. It can help to regulate blood sugar levels, increase energy and focus, and improve overall mood. Additionally, a healthy breakfast can help to reduce the likelihood of overeating later in the day and may contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

Remember, it’s important to find a routine that works for you and stick to it consistently for maximum effectiveness. Key points to note: Set a reasonable time to wake up, don’t hit the snooze button (as a matter of fact if you can disable it, please do) and give your routine between 30 to 90 minutes to complete. If you’re more likely to be swayed by science, here are more reasons, that are backed by science why a morning routine is healthy. Reasons such as preparing you for the rest of the day, lowering your level of stress and boosting your energy levels among others. A routine definitely helps you to keep yourself in check, but make sure that whatever the routine, you keep it flexible and be consistent – this is a muscle memory thus requires repetition to create effectiveness.

In the twist of things

What if you work from home or on night shifts? Just read above and remove morning from routine (ha ha ha) would definitely be the fastest answer. As simple as it sounds, the dynamics still remain the same – the brain is a muscle and therefore needs to be engaged as such to learn and create a consistent operating formula. Your schedule is best known to you and as long as the fundamentals (healthy eating, enough rest and positive attitude) are in place, then you can customise your routine to fit any time of the day.

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