Understanding Triangulation In Relationships


In the realm of relationships, power dynamics play a significant role in shaping interactions between individuals. One such dynamic that often goes unnoticed yet is widely recognized as a toxic behavior is triangulation. This manipulation tactic is particularly common among individuals with narcissistic tendencies and can manifest in both overt and subtle ways.

Navigating Mum Guilt


Society’s unrelenting pressure often paints a picture of the perfect mother, effortlessly juggling career aspirations with nurturing their children, all while maintaining a flawless facade. In all honesty, this is an impossible standard to live up to and one that can contribute to feelings of guilt, inadequacy, self-doubt, and burnout. Mum guilt is a psychological response to the feelings of guilt and shame some people feel when they don’t live up to their own or others’ expectations in their role as a parent.

How To Maintain Independence In A Relationship


It can be easy to lose yourself in a relationship, especially a new one, but being in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to be co-dependent. While mutual reliance is natural when in a relationship, it’s imperative to acknowledge the significance of preserving individuality and autonomy. Independence in a relationship isn’t about distance but depth. Independence in a relationship means you love and trust your partner to make their own decisions. This dynamic fosters the flourishing of both individuals, transforming the relationship into a supportive platform.

The Art of Forgiveness: Healing & Renewing Relationships Before The Year Ends

It is inevitable as human beings that we will hurt others and be hurt by them; whether we find ourselves on the receiving end of pain or as the architects of it, one thing for certain is that we all have to learn how to master the art of forgiveness. Forgiveness involves willingly putting aside feelings of resentment toward someone who has committed a wrong, or otherwise harmed you in some way. It’s not just about accepting what has happened, rather it involves a voluntary transformation of your feelings, attitudes, and behavior so that you are no longer dominated by resentment and you are even capable of expressing compassion, toward the person who wronged you.

Navigating Adult Friendships: How To Make & Keep Friends As An Adult

Navigating Adult Friendships- How To Make & Keep Friends As An Adult

Friends are truly a treasure, in an uncertain world they provide a comforting sense of stability and connection. They celebrate our joys and stand by us through challenging times. Yet, despite their immense value, nurturing and maintaining genuine adult friendships can be quite challenging.

Is Texting Cheating? Exploring the Boundaries of Relationships!

So, texting has become a pretty popular way to communicate in relationships these days. But, it’s also brought up some concerns about cheating. The question of whether texting is considered cheating has been debated for a while now, and there seems to be no clear consensus.



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