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8 March 2024

Strength Of A Woman: Lorna Joyce On Adversity & Triumph

In the spirit of International Women's Day, we sat down with Lorna Joyce, the CEO of Binti Pads to unravel the layers of her inspiring story. One that is marked by resilience, innovation, and unwavering determination. Through Lorna's candid reflections, we embark on a journey of celebration, acknowledging the indomitable strength and spirit of women everywhere, this International Women's Month and beyond.

International Women’s Day (IWD) serves as a global platform to honor the achievements and contributions of women, while also advocating for gender equality and women’s rights. It’s a day marked by celebration, reflection, and action. A reminder of the progress made and the challenges that still lie ahead. But one day is not enough to celebrate all the remarkable women who have shaped our world and continue to inspire change. That’s why we’ve chosen to dedicate the entire month of March to honoring these incredible individuals. In the spirit of International Women’s Day, we sat down with Lorna Joyce, the CEO of Binti Pads to unravel the layers of her inspiring story. One that is marked by resilience, innovation, and unwavering determination. Through Lorna’s candid reflections, we embark on a journey of celebration, acknowledging the indomitable strength and spirit of women everywhere, this International Women’s Month and beyond.

Who is Lorna?

who is Lorna

Can you share the story behind the inception of your feminine brand (Binti Pads) and what inspired you to start this journey?

Binti Pads is a trademark of Binti Marvels Ltd. A company dedicated to addressing the menstrual needs of women in Kenya and across Africa. Our primary goal is to combat period poverty, shame, and stigma by providing accessible menstrual solutions. I personally experienced the challenges posed by the limited options of sanitary pads available in Africa. 

The market seemed to offer only two extremes: high-quality pads at high prices or low-quality pads at low prices. Recognizing the need for a middle ground, my co-founder and I joined forces to create a solution that would offer both affordability and quality. 

We envisioned a product that would meet the high standards of women in Africa while remaining accessible to all. Thus, Binti Pads was born—a testament to our commitment to provide women with reliable, high-quality menstrual hygiene products at an affordable price point.

Tell us who Lorna is, where you grew up, and the life that led you to this point in your journey

Lorna is a lover of life! From my love for music, dancing, and the beauty of nature to cherishing the mesmerizing moments of sunrise and sunset, every aspect of existence fills me with joy. Oh, and I am also a proud mother to three wonderful cats. I grew up in different parts of Kenya, but life took a challenging turn when I found myself living in Mukuru slums after losing both my parents and brother. It wasn’t easy navigating the hardships of the slum, but amidst it all, I clung on to a single dream: to become a flight attendant. That was my ultimate goal in life!

Eventually, At the age of 21, I seized an opportunity to work at Wilson Airport with one of the leading flight companies in the region, and from that point on, there was no looking back. My career in the skies spanned 13 years, serving as a flight attendant on private charters.

It was during this time, rubbing shoulders with diplomats, billionaires, and even royalty, that I developed a keen interest in the world of business. Their stories and experiences ignited a fire within me, leading me to venture into the world of entrepreneurship and that’s how my journey took a new and exciting turn!

Image c/o Lorna Joyce. Instagram

Lorna on womanhood, feminism & inspired inclusion

What do you love most about being a woman and how do you embrace your femininity?

I take pride in embracing my innate qualities of beauty, ambition, and kindness. I relish the freedom I have as a woman to express myself through a vibrant spectrum of colors. Whether it be in my clothing choices, hairstyles, or nail designs. For me, this exploration of color represents more than just aesthetics—it’s a celebration of creativity and the unique essence of individuality that defines me as a woman.

I celebrate and embrace my femininity by recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities and strengths that come with being a woman. This involves embracing my nurturing and compassionate nature, as well as leading with love and courage. I also take joy in expressing myself through my personal style, whether it’s experimenting with different fashion trends, playing with makeup, or exploring creative hairstyles.

Additionally, I prioritize self-care with the understanding that taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional well-being is essential for embracing my femininity fully.

I celebrate and embrace my femininity by recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities and strengths that come with being a woman. This involves embracing my nurturing and compassionate nature, as well as leading with love and courage

I take pride in embracing my innate qualities of beauty, ambition, and kindness. I relish the freedom I have as a woman to express myself through a vibrant spectrum of colors. Whether it be in my clothing choices, hairstyles, or nail designs.Image c/o Lorna Joyce. Instagram
Strength of a woman-lorna joyce on adversity and triumph

This year’s International Women’s Day theme focuses on Inspired inclusion. What does inspired inclusion mean and look like to you?

To me, inspired inclusion embodies several key principles. Firstly, it means having a seat at the table in decision-making processes, where my voice is valued and heard. Secondly, it involves having the space and support to make a tangible impact through our work. This means not only being present but also being empowered to effect positive change within our spheres of influence. Thirdly, inspired inclusion entails fair and equitable access to resources based on merit rather than arbitrary factors.

This ensures that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive, regardless of background or identity. In a nutshell, inspired inclusion is all about being recognized and valued for our inherent worth as individuals. It’s about leveraging our unique talents, gifts, and influence to bring about meaningful change and uplift the communities around us.

How do you think African women are reshaping the narrative of feminism on the continent?

Today women have gained more autonomy for self-advocacy and not like before, even though there is still a lot of work to be done. I strongly believe in the transformative potential of individual conviction, recognizing that everyone has the power to effect change, one person at a time. Feminism fights for equality of the sexes socially, politically, and even professionally. African women are playing a vital role in reshaping the narrative of feminism by challenging stereotypes, redefining traditional gender roles, and breaking barriers in various fields.

Business challenges & triumphs 

What were the most significant challenges you faced as a female entrepreneur in Kenya, and how did you overcome them? Could you also share a particularly proud moment or accomplishment that stands out in your journey?

One of the most challenging aspects of our business revolves around a dual observation. Firstly, the menstrual health product industry is predominantly managed by multinationals, often led by men making decisions for women. Secondly, the retail sector in Kenya follows a similar trend, with men primarily occupying key roles. As a woman in this male-dominated environment, it becomes incredibly difficult to have your voice heard.

Another significant challenge lies in securing suitable funding. In Africa, acquiring funding for women-centric products such as sanitary pads is an arduous task. Many men fail to grasp the importance of such products, further exacerbating the challenge. Moreover, women in the Kenyan business sphere already face inherent biases. We are often viewed as lesser counterparts to our male peers, even when you are in the same industry or distributing the same products.

To navigate these obstacles, I have a dedicated team that understands the unique challenges women encounter in the business landscape. Their unwavering support has been invaluable. Additionally, I’ve fostered a network of women in business, providing a platform for idea exchange and mutual support. These connections, alongside memberships in organizations like the Kenya Association of Manufacturers (KAM) and Kenya National Chambers of Commerce and Industry (KNCCI), have proven instrumental.

The menstrual health product industry is predominantly managed by multinationals, often led by men making decisions for women.

Despite the challenges, reaching the upcoming two-year milestone in our business journey fills me with immense joy and pride. We have positively impacted over 300,000 women in Kenya so far and we’re ambitiously aiming to reach and impact over one million more women within the next 12 months. The dedication of our team and the support we receive from our allies fuels our determination. Furthermore, our upcoming launch of two new products is something that I am extremely proud of and looking forward to.

As a role model for aspiring women entrepreneurs, how do you believe your journey has empowered other women to pursue their dreams and who empowered you?

My background in aviation helped me adjust fast because it’s an industry that is also dominated by men. This experience instilled in me the resilience to persist in my quest to establish an equitable space where women can leverage their talents and skills to contribute meaningfully to society. At Binti Marvels Ltd our team comprises nearly an equal number of female and male employees. Central to my leadership approach is ensuring that women feel empowered to use their voice, share their ideas, and assert their worth.

The person who empowered me the most is my mum, she was a very resilient woman. Despite facing adversity, she worked tirelessly to provide for our family. Her unwavering determination taught me the importance of never backing down as a woman, advocating for oneself, and utilizing our inherent gifts to uplift both ourselves and our communities. My mother’s example serves as a constant reminder of the strength and potential inherent within each of us as women.

Have you found any strategies or practices that help you strike a balance between your personal and professional life?

Life is all about balance and balance brings the harmony we all need in executing our day-to-day life. I’ve structured my day into distinct blocks of time, allocating segments for meetings, leadership responsibilities within the business, and moments dedicated to personal growth and self-care.

Post-work hours are reserved for nurturing my individuality and engaging in self-development activities that contribute to my overall well-being. Lately, I have found long walks to be relaxing and rejuvenating and so over the weekend I go on long walks for almost 10km. That helps me unwind and decompress after a week-long of work.

What are your aspirations for the future of your feminine hygiene brand and its impact on both the community and the environment?

We have a bright future ahead of us as a company. As I mentioned earlier, we are just about to launch two new products that are coming to solve a big problem in the menstrual health hygiene space. Our ambitious goal is to impact the lives of one million women within the next year. we recognize the importance of environmental stewardship and are actively engaged in research and development initiatives aimed at tracking and mitigating the carbon footprint associated with our products. As of now, we are in the advanced stages of this endeavor, our team is diligently working towards unveiling a comprehensive solution by the end of 2024.

As we celebrate International Women’s Day, Lorna’s story serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us of the power of perseverance, and unwavering determination in the face of adversity. Through her leadership at Binti Marvels Ltd, Lorna is not only revolutionized the menstrual hygiene industry but also paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future. As we celebrate the achievements of women this International Women’s Month and beyond, let us continue to champion inspired inclusion, empower one another, and work towards a world where every woman can thrive and make her mark.

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