• Lifestyle
11 December 2023

Embracing Minimalism During The Holiday Season

Minimalism isn't about denying yourself, It’s more about being conscious and intentional about how you shop. In the context of the holiday season, this means shifting the focus from materialistic indulgence to more meaningful and fulfilling experiences.

Minimalism and the holidays are two words that are rarely mentioned in the same sentence. Rightfully so, as the two almost seem contradictory. Christmas is often associated with indulgence, (sometimes overindulgence) and splurging. Minimalism on the other hand is associated with self–denial and generally, ‘less’; which does not sound very festive. Amidst the festive cheer, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of consumerism and excess. This is where minimalism, a lifestyle that emphasizes simplicity and intentional living, can offer a refreshing perspective.

In a season often associated with splurging and excess, embracing minimalism allows us to focus on what truly matters. Let’s explore a few ways you can embrace minimalism this holiday season in order to infuse simplicity and meaning into your holiday festivities. 

Minimalism & the holidays

Minimalism isn’t about denying yourself, It’s more about being conscious and intentional about how you shop. In the context of the holiday season, this means shifting the focus from materialistic indulgence to more meaningful and fulfilling experiences. The urge to spend excessively tends to sweep over all of us around this time of year, and it is easy to get caught up in the hype. With this in mind, companies often market their products extra hard this season, which is where that excessive shopping bug comes from. To beat the bug, you need to be extra aware of what is motivating your purchases. You can do this by asking yourself a few questions such as

  • Can you find at least 3 ways to use the item you are shopping for? – does purchasing it compete with spending on your priorities?
  • Is there a cheaper alternative that achieves the same purpose? Or better yet, do you already have something similar?
  • And most importantly, what is influencing your desire to purchase the item?

Once you’ve figured out your why, you can be sure to make sound purchases this holiday season.

Tips on how to embrace minimalism this holiday season


1. Set the intention

Always start with a budget. At first glance, Budgeting does not exactly scream festive spirit, but putting one together is the first step to take to ensure intentional & and conscious shopping. Once you have concluded this process, you will have concrete figures to work with that will keep your spending on track. You can be even more intentional about your shopping by separating essentials and non-essentials.

Minimalism is centered on clarity, which requires you to steer away from activities bound to generate confusion. Shopping over the holidays can get chaotic, as your list now includes essentials, coupled with gifts and other items related to the festivities. For a simpler process; consider isolating your essentials from the rest, and purchasing them first. 

2. Simplify your Christmas decor

Take a look at your Christmas tree and all the ornaments and décor pieces you have used to ‘bring the tree to life’ are any of those décor pieces reusable or are they going to end up stored in a large box until next festive season? The allure of dazzling holiday decorations often tempts us to go overboard, but minimalism encourages simplicity. Instead of drowning your space in an avalanche of ornaments, focus on a few key pieces that hold personal significance and can be used perhaps as center pieces’ way after the holiday season has passed. 

3. Thoughtful gift shopping

There is an endless array of options available, and it may be challenging to settle on gifts for your loved ones as well as yourself. In this context, apply the minimalist concept of ‘less is more’ by prioritizing quality over quantity, in order to shop consciously. Take time to think about the recipient of each gift. what does their day–to–day routine look like? What are their interests?  and what do they truly value?   Upon considering this you will certainly come up with ideas on items/experiences that will be appreciated.

As you shop, remember that gifts suitable for long-term use are always a great choice. A planner in their favorite color for a stationery-obsessed friend, or a book on a genre of interest for your bibliophile loved one are great options when shopping for gifts with a minimalist approach. Keep in mind that gifts made from scratch are just as valuable for loved ones who appreciate a sentimental touch. You can also consider gifting experiences. This could be anything from a weekend getaway, spa voucher, cooking class or even concert tickets. Experiences create memories that last a lifetime and don’t contribute to clutter.

4. Sustainable gift wrapping


Gift wrap can be a significant source of waste during the holiday season. Embrace minimalism by simplifying your gift wrapping and opting for eco-friendly alternatives. Consider using reusable fabric wraps, scarves, or other repurposed materials. Not only does this reduce environmental impact, but it also aligns with the minimalist ethos of valuing experiences over excess material possessions. Encourage your loved ones to embrace sustainable gift wrapping, fostering a collective effort towards a greener and more mindful holiday season.

5. Streamline your holiday wardrobe

For some reason, the holiday season often prompts a shopping spree for new outfits, perhaps as a result of all the themed parties and events lined up. Embrace minimalism by curating a capsule wardrobe for the festivities. Let’s be honest—the gold sequined dress you plan on wearing to the office Christmas party will probably not see the light of day again until the next holiday season.

If you have to shop for new outfits for the holiday season, then choose versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched, allowing you to create multiple outfits from a few key items. This will reduce unnecessary spending and clutter in your closet. 

6. Intentional time management

Between office parties, family gatherings, and friendmass meet-ups, your December calendar can fill up quickly and it’s easy to become overwhelmed and stressed. Needless to say, you don’t have to attend everything. Minimalism encourages intentional time management to ensure you have the energy and focus to truly enjoy the season. As much as social connections are important for your health and well-being, it’s important to prioritize activities that align with your values and bring you joy. Learn to say no to commitments that don’t contribute positively to your holiday experience, leaving you with more time for meaningful connections and relaxation.

Christmas is a time for hope, reflection, and sharing moments with those we love. A minimalist Christmas may be different, but it can be very rewarding. All you need is a little creativity and a desire to celebrate Christmas your own way. By incorporating intentional choices into your celebrations, you can create a holiday season filled with genuine connections, cherished memories, and a sense of fulfillment. As you navigate the festive whirlwind, let minimalism be your guiding light, leading you toward a holiday season rich in meaning and simplicity. 

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